New member
I see Pulltab.My etrac is right at 4 years old and out of warranty. 3 months ago I was hunting and it went stone cold dead. I shook it up a little and it would come on only briefly. BEING OUTof warranty my decision was made to dissamble the control box. Ifound the problem almost right away. That being the black speaker wire . At the factory, the wire was wrapped carelessly causing it to be pinched in the bottom of the housing causing a partial separation of it. What i did was cut out a tiny piece ,of the wire, reroute the wire to where it cleared the housing inside ,strip a small piece off each side of the wire(paying attention not to pull to hard as one end is connected to the motherboard,the rest to the speaker, then put a tiny heat shrink tube over the end of the wire out of the way. I put both ends of the wire together (its stranded copper), and soldered them together using fine solder. Slid the heat shrink tube over the soldered joint ,got a hair dryer turned it on high and shrunk the tube until it was snug. Reassembled the video screen and its cable, box and screws. put the batteries back in hit the power and like new again! You might have a partially severed speaker wire. Ive reviewed 2 other cases similar to yours and one case like mine hands on. I hope yours can be repaired at Minelab.It should be covered by warranty and they should download postage info to you for free. Please give them another chance and see what they can do for you. Yours, kabarcoinin.