i agree 100% "if you look for trouble,it WILL find you!"
i cant emphasize too strongly,the absolute NEED to practice
good recovery procedures!.in other words,LEARN how to recover a target properly,and
leave little or better yet,NO trace of where you have dug! if ANYONE fails to do this,then this
is "tantamount" to hobby suicide,and we will ALWAYS be hassled no matter where one goes to engage in our wonderful hobby!
just sayin'
i cant emphasize too strongly,the absolute NEED to practice
good recovery procedures!.in other words,LEARN how to recover a target properly,and
leave little or better yet,NO trace of where you have dug! if ANYONE fails to do this,then this
is "tantamount" to hobby suicide,and we will ALWAYS be hassled no matter where one goes to engage in our wonderful hobby!
just sayin'