The guys are right. Here in Boston we have the Archaeologists to contend with all across the State. They have regulated "everything" to death. In Boston there are major Parks where you can detect or dig until your blue ok. The Rule Of Thumb is that if you are not damaging the Park grounds by leaving holes and divots all over the place then NO PROBLEM. This is in spite of all the Regulations here. I've had Park Rangers ask me how or what I'm doing. After I've showed or told them they say COOOL. Have Fun. !!! Then there are whole towns here like Concord and Lexington where if you are detecting OR digging you WILL be stopped and you WILL get a $50 Fine for your First Offence, A $100 Fine forr your Second Offence, Then a $250 - $500 Fine AND Conviscation of your detector as well. Jow I have detected in these Towns with NO PROBLEMS at all. !!!!! REASON : I don't wave a red flag in front of a bull. I have had Police watching me in these Towns and NEVER had a problem at all. If they asked it was purely out of curiousity and NOT out of some need to stop me at all. Now if I acted like an idiot and left holes and bothered people and damaged property and left my trash everywhere I went the guess what, you WILL be stopped, You Will be Fined and very possibly loswe your detector as well. Now as far as wanting to know the Regulations. You HAVE asked and you HAVE been told by guys with a "LOT" of experience what they are. We ask that you follow the advice we have given you. Fill your holes. Don't leave trash. Be Polite. Don't run around playing Legal Eagle. You want trouble trust me you'll get it ok. If asked by any Officer then show them or tell them what you are doing ok. I guess to sum this all up for you. Please "DON"T BE STUPID" ok. I can't make it any plainer than that. I am speaking as one with 39 years in the field ok. So I guess I know my stuff here as well. Good Luck and Good Hunting. PEACE:RONB