Your the only guy I have ever heard make such strong statements about the Whites factory 5.3 and 6x10DD coil or any Whites coil for that fact. Everyone else on a whole has had good luck with both coils. A lot of guys love the 5.3 coil to say the least and prefer the 6x10DD on there MXT. I have to go with the percentages of good to bad reviews as well as my own experiences with the coils, which to say the least are different than yours. Sorry you and your machine were not able to get the performance out of the 5.3 and 6x10DD coil. They are nicely sized coils, to bad they did not perform for you.
Take care, and good hunting to you.
Bill G

Your the only guy I have ever heard make such strong statements about the Whites factory 5.3 and 6x10DD coil or any Whites coil for that fact. Everyone else on a whole has had good luck with both coils. A lot of guys love the 5.3 coil to say the least and prefer the 6x10DD on there MXT. I have to go with the percentages of good to bad reviews as well as my own experiences with the coils, which to say the least are different than yours. Sorry you and your machine were not able to get the performance out of the 5.3 and 6x10DD coil. They are nicely sized coils, to bad they did not perform for you.
Take care, and good hunting to you.

Bill G