Well if you know me or read any of my post, you probably gather that I mainly hunt ghost towns, old homestead sites, old stage stops etc. Its very rare i hunt a park. Over here on the Oregon/Idaho border in my little town we have a park. Its 17 miles to get to the next park. As I stated I like Ghost towns etc and most the time they are littered with iron junk. For me I try and find machines that will work in that environment the best. I am not concerned with depth. In these old eastern Oregon and Idaho ghost towns, most coins/trade tokens seldom get beyond 4" deep. What I need is a machine(s) that can handle the dense iron.
What I found that works for me......and I am saying "that works for me" is a MXT Pro, M6 and several Classic models. There are times that in really dense iron, I will set the MXT Pro aside and grab my Classic ID that has a 350 snooper coil mounted on it all the time. And yes that little machine in dense iron with that small coil is amazing. It has found me some very nice old coins and trade tokens these last few years.
What helps me determine if a machine will be good in a ghost town environment ( dense iron etc) is the Nail Board Test. Preferably I like to see a machine at the very least get 6 of 8 hits. Ideally 7 to 8 of 8 hits. The MXT Pro and M6 fall in the 7 of 8 hits category. The Whites Classic machines ( the Classic III , ID , Classic IDX and IDX Pro) and several Tesoro models will peg the NBT 8 of 8.
That is why you don't see the Deus or supposed other "superior" machines in my signature list. For that specific environment, one that I hunt 90+ % of the time, there are better choices.
Unlike you, I don't place the price tag of a machine as its most important feature. For me its simple. I know the area I hunt 90% of the time and I know what I am looking for. The machine either passes the NBT or it doesn't. If it does then that is the machine that gets my interest, regardless of price tag. Same goes for the new Racer coming out. I will buy one. It will get the NBT treatment. If it passes then I will keep it and use it. If not it goes to Ebay.
For those times I hit a park or more open areas, then I'll drag out my XLT or use the MXT Pro , not the Classic ID.