Have them on two excaliburs, great to change out the coils, They do not leak but in the saltwater it seems the signal leaks or I would say the connector is very sensitivity to the touch. Reworked them, filled one with RTV silicon other with 3m epoxy....seemed to help but still senstivity to ruff waves, and if you bump it. One thing, I do run my senstivity very high..10 to 11 ...........This winter I will be hardwiring all my coils back to the pods.........I used the Bulgins mini's on the headphone...no problems at all................all have been in saltwater.........they will stay on.............If you are a deep water hunter I would not put them on, but if you hunt the wet sand with waves fine.....Maybe someone eles that has them installed can chime in..think timmys has them...............And you may want to check Eric's connectors..he's in the water deep, alot.............
I made several modes on the excaliburs this past winter, from carbon fiber, copper shielding, new decals, amps, connectors, IP switchs, and many more..I may do a post on what worked for me once the season has wound down..........