Thanks so much for creating this thread. I just love these types of informal polls. Like others have written, it's amazing the variance in opinions, i.e. what I think is a great detector, others may think is a piece of junk and vice-versa. I'm going to do two things before giving my own answer. First I'm going to create a blank list so people can "cut and paste" the poll into their responses - and I'm going to add one category for finding gold jewelry. As much fun as it is to find silver, gold can 'pay the bills' much faster. I'm also going to create a header for the lists of what detectors people currently have and ones that they have had in the past. Hope you don't mind the changes.
Detectors currently owned:
Detectors formerly owned:
1. If I could only have one detector -
2. Best detector for the money -
3. Most versatile -
4. Best coin shooter -
5. Deepest -
6. Worst one I have used -
7. Most settings to play with -
8. Best pinpointing. -
9. Best in trash -
10. Best salt water beach detector - .
11. Fastest recovery time -
12. Best nickel finder -
13. Most accurate TID -
14. Most under rated -
15. Best for gold jewelry -
So, anyway, here's my list:
Detectors currently owned: Etrac, M6, Compadre (have a Makro Racer and Go-Find 60 on the way!)
Detectors formerly owned: Garrett GTI2500, Bounty Hunter Big Bud Pro, Ace 250, Explorer SE, CZ3D,!236x2,Explorer XS, XP Deus, Micronta, Omega, F75, Stingray II, BeachHunter ID, DFX, AT Pro
1. If I could only have one detector - Etrac
2. Best detector for the money - M6
3. Most versatile - Etrac
4. Best coin shooter - M6
5. Deepest - Etrac
6. Worst one I have used - Micronta or BeachHunter ID (this water detector had a floating coil!!!

7. Most settings to play with - Deus or DFX
8. Best pinpointing. - M6 (with stock coil - when depth shows most shallow number, target is directly under the center of the open coil. I hit target 95% of the time on the first probe!)
9. Best in trash - Etrac (in iron trash), M6 (in modern trash)
10. Best salt water beach detector - .???? (not a lot of salt water beaches in New Mexico

11. Fastest recovery time - Deus
12. Best nickel finder - M6
13. Most accurate TID - M6
14. Most under rated - M6
15. Best for gold jewelry - M6 (found over 30 pieces of gold jewelry in the 7 years I've owned it and found my first nugget with it this year)
Thanks again for posting this, Bill. I'm just loving reading the different opinions