It's not the GT going up, it is the dollar going down. Almost everything now takes more dollars and it is no wonder with our debt at $17 TRILLION. [As an old friend reminds me, there are only about 6 trillion stars in the Milky Way]. Much of that debt is a result of some unnecessary wars, including Iraq and Afganistan, where contractors like Haliburton mopped up, and the repeal of the Glass-Stegall Act, a safeguard passed as a result of the Great Depression. That repeal, sponsored by the Republicans led by Phil Gramm [and a $200 million dollar lobbying campaign], allowed the banks to speculate wildly with depositors money and resulted in the current economic crisis. And now, after the Citizens United decision by the Republicans on the Supreme Court, foreigners can contribute UNLIMITED amounts to our congressional campaigns. John Kennedy, who was for a national health care system and not a socialist, pointed out that our Constitution clearly provides for the COMMON WELFARE and that means welfare for the people, not rich international corporations. We could afford to take care of our people if we quit catering to the filthy ultra rich corporations. Perhaps if we did take care of people in this country, instead of rich corporations, we could all afford to keep buying and selling our metal detectors. James