I see a lot of complaining about high taxes and labor unions breaking the backs of industry. But I need someone to help understand how a company from Japan can move here and thrive. Even be a leader in the market, with the same unions,same taxes,same EPA, same OSHA, same labor laws, same economy & same health care system. Yet American based companies are failing while using 3rd world labor and products. Could it be they are being mismanaged or greedy. Remember chainsaw AL. I'm sure the anti labor conservative executives, wouldn't take a handout from the taxpayer then vote themselves big raises or bonuses would they? I'm no fan of Obama, he's done nothing to help the situation. But the one before him took a thriving economy and a country that was beginning to pay back it's debt and brought it to it's knees in 8 years. Maybe he needs to return to office to straighten out his conservative mess.