Yes sir ,,, if being in heaven is like your happiest days on earth ,, then ,, I was in heaven in those days .
I remember my Mom telling me how when it snowed in the wintertime ,, and the wind was blowing ,, she'd wake up in the mornings and have a snow drift in the corner of the bedroom ,, but the room never leaked when it rained .
I also remember sleeping as a kid in the back bedroom of my Dad's parents house ,, which was the last addition that was put onto the old farmhouse ,, the only heat it had was what would drift down the hallway during the night ,, which was very little . But ,, grandma always closed the door because the cold air in the bedroom would blow into the warm part of the house ,,,

That may sound strange ,, but it was true . But when you're tucked under 3 or 4 of grandma's hand stiched quilts ,, you was as warm as you would be on a good ole warm spring day . Me and my brother would be laughing and giggling about popping our heads out from underneath them quilts and seeing the fog of our breath drifting towards the ceiling .
Yep ,, it was better times for us back then ,, probably because we were just kids ,, didn't have the worries of the world upon us . But , I love the memories .