I have a question. I tried something that Cody, mentioned. I don't know if he was air testing or in the ground. But I have a small test garden that I put in, somewhere around 8 to 10 years ago, got old and can't say the exact time. Anyway I put the Explorer 11 in factory presets, and lowered the Sensitivity down to 1 in auto. Nailed that quarter, at 9 inches first pass. Then I changed it to manual, nothing, not a peep, kept raising it one at a time, at 16 got a real iffy one, little better at 17, and at 18 was about as good as it was on 1 in auto. Tried it a couple of times to be sure, and it worked that way every time. So I think you guys are selling auto short, and that it is a whole lot better than you think it is. The manual seems to lean that way to, from what it says. It says manual in just certain situations. I know you want control over the detector, but are you really gaining by it? Sometimes we get an idea, but it may not be a fact, even if we do believe it. Try this and see for yourself, don't take my word for it, it surprised me to. At 1???