Chris in Hamilton (Canada)
Active member
Went out yesterday intending to do a new spot on a wheat field. Unfortunately with all the rain we've been having it hadn't been cut so I went to a spot I've already hit twice this year. After spending about 3 hours there with only 1 very worn 1840 Harrison campaign button I decided to hit a field 1/2 a mile away. This one had been rough ploughed in the spring so very lumpy and full of big weeds. I had been saving it for late fall. Its a weird spot. I know there was a house there before 1820 and the owner had been a colonel in the War of 1812 but almost all the finds are from the late 1800' early 1900's.
Some buttons coins etc.The cents are 1884, 1907 and 1916. The 1916 is okay but the others are punched. Got my largest ball button to date and the smallest button I've dug so far. The one with the bit of green Glass. It came in at +02 on the XLT
[attachment 31320 July27thfinds1.jpg]
Best find of the day was an engraved solid silver colonial period cuff link/button. I've found a fair number in brass and gilt but this is my 1st in silver
[attachment 31321 July27thfinds2.jpg]
Thanks for looking & GH, Chris
Some buttons coins etc.The cents are 1884, 1907 and 1916. The 1916 is okay but the others are punched. Got my largest ball button to date and the smallest button I've dug so far. The one with the bit of green Glass. It came in at +02 on the XLT

[attachment 31320 July27thfinds1.jpg]
Best find of the day was an engraved solid silver colonial period cuff link/button. I've found a fair number in brass and gilt but this is my 1st in silver
[attachment 31321 July27thfinds2.jpg]
Thanks for looking & GH, Chris