Yep, same here..last year I did not buy even a fishing license for the first time in I dont know when...detecting has taken over completely, Why? Because I can hunt year round, go to different States even, be outdoors, fulfill a need to hunt/explore, and theres no size or limit restrictions!

Going into my 5th yr of this, with no slowing down...this sport affords a person with so many subsets of skills to master...Clad,Silver,Relics, Inland jewelry, Beach, Nuggets, Meteorites, heck, even Scuba, its cheap..a guy can get into it and do right well with a 500 dollar or less rig, and any kind of vehicle....sheesh, ask any duck hunter what he's got invested per duck shot down? Bass fishing? forgeddabout it! for the seriously dedicated, at least 30 grand for boat and gear, another 30k for a truck to pull it all with, and fuel for the pair can be 50-100gal+ per weekend..
Trapping sort of pays, depending upon the fur market, and how hard a guy hits it.. but the season is short, and it takes a tremendous amount of effort and commitment to go out every single day whether you feel like it or not....and like most everything, your effort is taxable.
Yep, a guy can hit it big with just one find in this sport, a brasher gold coin, a chain cent,(like Digger70pa just found) a cache?..all the skills derived from trapping, hunting, fishing translate over to this sport very seamlessly...
