Based on the input from the others here, yes, I do recall that the etrac has a bit of notoriety of being "weak on nails". I use the Exp. II (but read all the other exp. forums). As such, it has taken its knocks (and makes a lot of hunters prefer the older incarnation of the Exp. II). Some power house machines over the years have gotten this reputation. Another example is the CZ6. On any machine that seems to lump some deep rusty nails into the deep silver coin category, you will no doubt hear "tricks" to help over-come this (control settings, characteristics of sounds to watch for, etc...). But the bottom line is: some machines are just inherently more apt. to be fooled, than others. Still though, as I say, there are tricks. But a hardcore Etrac user, grasping for the deeper ones, will confess to getting fooled now and then. But if you're fooled constantly, even by shallow ones, then I'd say that something is still wrong with the signals you're choosing to chase, or your settings.