I been hunting a black sand salt water beach for the last month and 6 months ago I hunted it for 3 straight weeks and 1 week in Daytona.
The F75 is the only single freq. I have that will hunt this beach. My Fisher's CZ20, CZ6A, CZ3D, CZ70 won't even G/B on this beach there is so much black sand here. Just have to turn the G/B knob to 10 and hunt away. My 6000XLpro will hunt but not that much depth 8" max even in SAT mode.The Xterra 70 won't, even with the beach mode on. MXT won't hunt and it has a salt sw.,ID X cell won't. ID edge won't, 250 won't, Shadow X5 won't and it has a beach mode. The Fo iron and mineralization indicator on my F75 runs anywhere from .01 which is min. to 3 which is max. Just depends on how much black sand there is. Then it is layered most of the time.
The higher up in the sand the worse it is.The F75 will work right down at the waters edge and even in the salt water. Even up high where that black sand peggs out the Fo indicator it will hunt but you get more ground flutter and more of a wherring flutter but you can still get good targets deep.
I have dug down 10 to 12"s on coins and the med sized pull tabs. The Id numbers do drop some the deeper you go and at 11 and 12"s you will only get the Zip Zip on the good targets. The iron will pop on the big stuff like a POW. It gives a bada on small iron and a baaaa on the med sized pieces of iron. After you hunt with it a while in all metal you will get used to it and you can swing fast and can cover a lot of beach. It will hunt fast just like the dirt and you don't have to hunt slow like the M/L's. Your ID and depth wont be as good as the Multi Freq machines but when you get right down to it, at the beach you are going to dig everything above 0 any way. The more corroded the coins the more the numbers will very. I hate Zincs but even after a month and three weeks on this bad a$$ beach I can tell if it is a corroded Zinc just by the bad numbers. The good thing is the numbers don't jump around much on pulltabs ,gold, and foil, nickle targets.
The biggest problem on this beach with all the single freq. detectors I have tested is all the small iron and med sized pieces that cause eveyone of the single freq. detectors in the Dis. mode to give a false high ID number indications. Even the F75 won't hunt in Dis. Mode. None of the others ID in all metal other then the 6000XLPRO and like I said I could only get 8" out of it in Sat. mode.
The only problem I had was shutting up the ground flutter to where the machine ran pretty quite without all the wherring and chippy audio from the salt water, and black sand. I cured that by changing the freq to F7 and running the threshole at a -1 instead of 0 in all metal and run the sen. at 80, G/B at 0. Above 80 it got a little chippy.. You just have to remember to reset your Freq. when you turn your detector off and then back on cause, it returns to F5 when you turn it off and of coarse put it back in all metal. It is excellent on the small stuff and the gold. You can't touch the sand because it will false but you will even be able to know that by the type of false it will make. Hell,with my Se with the stock coil,joey coil,Platypuss coil, the machine will false when I touch the sand. The 10X14 Excellerator coil and the new 6" excellerator don't false and I can drag them on the sand. M/L needs to put the Excellerator coils on instead of the slimline. Although my GT don't false.

I know this was a long one but, the F75 will hunt on the worst black sand beach I ever hunted on and this one is worse then hunting on Galveston TX. Beach. If I can ever figuar out how to post pictures I took some of this beach over here. BTW I have hunted Galveston too and the F75 preformed just as good. I hunted some of the black sand places in Daytona also. So it ain't like I have just hunted this beach.
Now will the F75 out preform the GT, Fishers, The Explorers in ID and depth. Of coarse not. Will it give them a real run for there money. You damn right it will and it will find gold and small stuff, and it will find it deep. I have not counted all the coins yet and I have thrown a heck of a lot of Zincs away. Did I say I hate Zincs??? Between the nice Heart shaped 20 diamond ring and this nice 1/2kt diamond markee with 5 small diamonds on each side of the ring the F75 just with those two have paid for itself and that is what it is all about. My sweetie loves them both.
Ok so now let me make it real clear. Yes the F75 will hunt the wet salt sand beaches but, more then likley you will have to G/B to 0 run sen. at 80 max, threshold to -1 freq at 7 and run it in all metal. I do hope some of you really put some time at the beach with the F75 and enjoy it as much as I do. F75

for me and I hope it will be for you to. You might have to play around with your set up but mine will get you off to a good start. Just spend the time to learn it and you will see what I am talking about.


: HH Later Jerry aka Tinfoil