It's almost hard to be here. The pinned post at top says we should be respectful and NOT insulting. There are some who go out of their way to be insulting, rude, antagonistic and inflammatory. Perhaps this forum needs more mods or something? I just really struggle with certain people who feel the need to slam Tesoro users. If you don't like beep and dig and think single tone is pointless, stay on your particular forum and extol the greatness of your machine there. If you don't like Tesoro why are you here? It's beyond me! It's like travelling to France even if you hate France. But you like going because you can complain about it to people who like France. Hopefully you select few, who might have the insight to know who you are, can recognize this and really just go on to their happy place . I'm trying to not be insulting myself but If you are unable to leave for whatever personal reason, perhaps the rest of us can avoid replying or feeding into it? Be happy people.