<STRONG><BIG>#3..</STRONG></BIG> Apply the <EM><STRONG>"Beep-DIG!"</STRONG></EM> approach where you're willing to recover all good sounding targets and any that produce an 'iffy', inquisitive target response.
Many gold jewelry items are very difficult to detect such as small, thin chains, or tiny pendants, baby & children's rings, etc.
<STRONG><BIG>#2..</STRONG></BIG> Hunt with the lowest discriminate setting you can possibly tollerate.
Not only will higher settings reject many gold targets or cause more 'masking' due to nearby rejected targets, but gold jewelry spreads across a wide span of conductivity ranges due to the thickness, overall size, shape, alloy content and position in the ground. I have found gold jewelry that ran from an iron range on up to three pieces that read-out/had conductive properties similar to a penny/dime or almost a quarter reading.
You can't find it if it isn't there, and you are always going to have a greater chance of lucking upon some gold jewelry if you hunt the places where it is most likely to have been lost.
Naturally beaches are good, and so are any sunbathing sites, volleyball and other sports activity areas, and any site where there has been human activity.
True, gold is found in picnic areas or yards or all sorts of locations, so you have to consider all the variables, such as the best liklihood for jewelry loss, the volume of human activity at the site, and the difficulty in recovering any targets from an area.
This is definitely an 'off' year for me because I average twelve (12) gold rings per year just from the woodchip and sand-filled playgrounds. We're into the 10th month and I have only recovered 7 gold rings from the woodchips. I have also found some gold bracelets, a gold neck chain, gold pendents and such, but my ring count is way down. (Something I hope to remedy in the next two months as I hunt some areas I have avoided during our long hot summer. Besides, I have been concentrating on older places such as ghost towns where gold jewelry is less often found.
Anyway, it takes an ample amount of patience to get the gold, and in really trashy sites with an abundance of pull tabs you might not care to dig them all and only want to cruise for the higher-conductive coins.
Best of luck to you in your pursuit of the gold!