Ralph Sun Ray
New member
The Sun Ray Invader DX-1 has been determined by us and the engineers at White's Electronics in Sweet Home, OR to be compatible with the new Spectra V3 with the following exceptions:
(1) The probes we have tested on the V3 did not overload on RX 15 (gain) with TX Boost on.
(2) However, the stock White's 10" DD coil may or may not overload with the DX-1 in-line depending on the tolerances from coil to coil. This has nothing to do with the probe or coil involved, rather with the switch (for switching from coil to probe and visa versa)
(3) It was found that by either reducing the RX gain a number or two ,or, disengaging TX Boost resolved the problem.
(4) In most hunting conditions RX gain cannot be used at maximum setting unless you are detecting on neutral ground such as a beach with no mineralization, especially with TX boost engaged.
(5) Other V-3 compatible coils, including non V-tuned coils (whether factory or after-market) may overload at max RX and TX Boost and may require a lower RX setting (or TX Boost disengaged). How low will depend on the coil and ground conditions, however, our tests showed other coils we tested only had to be lowered on RX a few numbers to cancel the overload if TX Boost was left engaged. (NOTE: Various tests described above were conducted by both Sun Ray Detector Electronics and White's Electronics in Sweet Home, OR. White's Electronics has approved the above compatibility statement.)