kingingkunsan said:
I did not have it long before I sold it and moved to a Minelab Explorer II. I have used it solely for 10 years.
Yeah. I drove an Explorer XS for 3 or 4 years.
Trust me, you'll be thumbing the battery check on the Golden just to make sure that it is actually on.

If you start getting frustrated by depth, just consider the size of the coil on the Explorer and match it.
At the end of last year I decided to shift from looking for old silver to looking for gold and jewelry. Part of the reason for the shift is that basically it makes most places new again - the number of guys wanting to sift through that much trash isn't too high and you have to be a certified digging fool to rack up a lot of success. It is is an experiment, and if it doesn't work out as well as I had hoped, I can always go back to hunting for older stuff. But right now I am extremely satisfied with my old-tones Golden - it is a real joy to use and it is a lot of fun to swing.
I also have a silver umax. I am mentioning it because it has a very descriptive, chatty, informative audio. Like you, I owned an Eldorado, which I kept as a backup - but I never really found it to be especially communicative beyond beep-dig; maybe I wasn't listening hard enough. I don't have any problems with the detector beyond it being extremely boring to use. Anyhow, the silver umax does a good job of communicating about targets - jagged targets often times do not sound even, they can be broken or raspy. Single tone, yeah, but a lot more than just beeps. Anyhow, I am impressed with it too - crazy good detector for the price. Because it is a backup to the Golden, I don't get to use it as much as I really want to.
Deleon... Just got one. Audio is flat, wooden, and that sort of annoys me given that I now know what Tesoro is capable of doing. Target ID flashes and disappears a little too fast too often. For some reason the pin point seems really soft or mushy compared to the golden or silver. But it seems to push the cleansweep better than either the golden or the silver, and pin pointing with that coil is never a problem. I've dug a number of 5.5" targets with the cleansweep on, which means that it will probably get the nod for area coverage jobs. Hard to say too much more as I only have 10-12 hours in on the Deleon. My initial impression is that I would probably be letting this one go if I only used it with concentric coils - but it might be the anointed one for use with the cleansweep. I should also say that I pretty much ignore the TID - I am digging everything non-ferrous, but it is kinda nice to know to look for a nickle or a high-coin.