Mike....you are the Man, i'm new to this game and love it... tooke me 47 years to find something i love doing ( hobby wise) better late than never.. just read your thread WOW! on purpose i love that...
I bow to greatness , you certainly know your stuff, i on the other hand know diddly squat, just bought an Xterra 70 arrives today really excited had an Ace 150 for 3 weeks since i started the hobby and quickly worked it out that i needed a more pro machine.
i could ask questions all day, but appreciate you've better things to do so i will just ask a couple for now if thats ok.
1) i notice people are saying hit the likes of sports fields Football etc to look for rings, being in the UK surely i wouldnt be allowed to start and work in a sort of public place and detect and start digging holes in football pitches or sidelines? do you just do this, and advice and extra info on this would be great.
2) I have gained permission from a Farmer to work his 90 acres, mostly ploughed land ( not at the moment stubble) he has pasture land as well, and even a field overgrown that used to be a victorian dump site , also has a woodland area loads of hills trees, bushes its like tghe sort of place kids would hand out drink beer and make fires etc , i have no idea about working farmers fields where would i start any advice? been in all but the pasure with the ace and found nothing of any real interest, any advice please?
thats it for now Top feller...have a great day. Peter