Critterhunter, You actually have a great opportunity,,,no family, house, kids, or are at the right age to be responsible, and you have at least a degree that is of a technical nature... head on up to ND and just start introducing yourself to any construction type guys you find...somebody will put you to may have to rough it, but if you can work hard and show up everyday, no telling what can happen good for you.
Back in the recession of the early 80's I lost everything, except the wife, 2yr old daughter, a 300 dollar plymouth volare station wagon. I dug graves with a shovel and wheelbarrow for 100 bucks a hole in MN, then a water line construction guy was looking for experienced diggers, and hired me as a ditch boy for 4.50 per hour, we lived in a pop-up camper, I got good at fixing broken backhoes, dumptrucks, bobcats, etc. Then a different company was looking for a field service hydraulic guy, and then they were looking for somebody to train their sales guys about hydraulic equipment, funny how it all tied together, from digging graves, all you can do is go up from there! Theres lots of good people in this Country that help honest, hardworking, trustworthy, cheerful workers, dont wait on the govt though! Show up with a smile and keep doing it everyday. Good luck.