then I'm all done taking this argument any further. You gut anything else to say to me, send a private message. I enjoy a healthy debate at times, but it's beginning to become a joke now (& your far fetched tales are too increadable to be believed). I'm a less than knowledgeable detectorist? Is that what you meant? That's funny. I have been at it since I was 8 years finds speak for themselves. Folks tell me all the time I should open a museum. But, I guess since I didn't carry a mine detector in Nam, have no electronics background, or name drop like you w. Eric Foster that makes me inferior? I don't need to be an "IE" to learn a detector, enjoy the hobby, & make finds....
I'm judgemental? Look in the mirror mate, since you keep insinuating I have some stake in Fisher or I sell detectors, etc. I sell nothing. I get no commission. I just use what works for me in my area. To set the record strait, FRL happened to read an article in one of the magazines about me. In fact, I mentioned I used, of all detectors that "dog" the 1266x. Man, I made some great finds with that unit (yea coins too). Perhaps you never got over the pops & clicks? Now your tall tales about US. Civil War stuff on top of the ground, etc.?? Are you a Brit or not? Boy you sure get around

I've done some VA. Civil War hunting....& it's far different than an open UK. field that's for sure. Yea, I've done both, so I'd say that makes me "knowledgeable" enough. We must be doing something wrong, we don't see stuff on top a the ground (that's pretty far fetched sorry). Anyhow, Fisher saw some of my finds and noticed I shared them with schools & they asked me to do a field test....Since then I've been asked to do a few more, & as I said, I have no need to sample every brand when I have seen good success w. Fisher. I hunt every week. I hunt with guys using all different makes/models. We compare targets. You seem to assume Fisher is the only unit I've ever been around....
Couple more things. As a host on these forums and a Fisher field tester, I thought my last post stayed pretty "professional". You put the ball in my court & I hit it back...perhaps you took it wrong? Shoot I've said alot worse

I could have slammed your favorite DFX/MXT and been alot more rude. You came out of nowhere to stir the pot with your "ID-Instead" & Excel/1266x is a dog posts to begin with remember? I didn't stoop to that level. I also never said trying different units is "detrimental". Again you took it wrong (just like the 1266 can't find coins thing). Hopping from unit to unit, or trying them for a day or 2 is not really LEARNING them. That's what I meant, & this has been a common problem with folks who didn't care for the new Fishers. Think we all took to the C$ right away? No, it's a sorta quirky, complex design (but wait, I'm not an engineer so I better stop there at complex)
Since you know so much about every detector since the BFO, maybe you should put your idea's/vast knowlege to better use somehow (or have your own designs built). You indicate detector companies do not just bend to your wishes, but there's parts cost/marketing etc. to consider too. So, maybe have your buddy Eric make the super detector you've always wanted. Sounds like you have some good ideas. Slamming me & Fisher on the forums really is not the smartest way to institute industry changes I wouldn't think....
I now think it would be a great time to follow your own advice and move onto the other forums/brands and what they can do better. You did say Minelab was next. You've said your piece w. Fisher, and it seems no matter what they offer you'll never ever be satisfied.
HH, Bill