That is another special post and picker upper for me...thanks for the protein tip....
I love this hobby and try to help all I can....just need to put the coil to the soil !
If I get out , you will see my coins....not holding them a secret on any fresh finds anymore.
Let "em Hunt my spots .....if they can find them from my posts...good for them.
Yes I can't wait to see what you find !
And get some Greatly needed exercise Detecting !!!
The protein 60-90 grams a day is a must !!!
As we age we just don't don't take in enough.
And our bodies Actually eat themselves if not properly fed. Bone and Muscle. That's a Fact !!!
Not even counting keeping your Brain clear.Walnuts.
Oatmeal and chili , 5 beans chili and Hott,, half an half is a great starter for me with the protein and a vitamin regimen Every Morning.
Getting stronger everyday when I push it a little.
Though been Afraid to push.
T 5-7 are full of blood. Blood replacing Bone.
A type of tumor they say.
If I can't push/force the blood out. The vertebrae will collapse.
So as the doc says.
17 disc's Damaged. Pelvis separated from my spine. Both hips Impacted. One replaced so far.
Yup. Been a Ride ...
I push or I Loose Big.
Finally have the ok, stabilized enough to go for it.
In my Old workout.
My warm-up was moving 50,000 lbs in 20 minutes.
70lbs on an abb machine pushing with my arms and abs. 667 reps in two sets. Yes I did that for years.
Took a year to get to that again.. Started at 10lbs and kept adding every couple months.
Body was at complete atrophied.
Easy workout compared to benching which sent my spine into knot's.
Was doing that just 5 yrs ago when I was rebuilding to return to Overhead Lines.
Climbing wood poles Upto 120' , average climbed 60-70ft. Hands on Gloving upto 33 thousand volts. Did that 30+ yrs.
But I had to qualify. They set me up. Lost.
Technicality. New rules on switching I wasn't advised of.
Because of the damages they said didn't exist for 11 yrs. Now there's too much wrong to climb. LoL
Now I'm stuck doing metering taking home Half what I used to.
Pay ck to ck in Many yrs is being beyond Frustrating.
Now you know my story.
62 ,, new mortgage and raising two kids like I'm 25 yrs old again. Trying to Retire. I deserve it by now.
42 yrs with the company. Keeping the lights on.
Now do me a favor.
Eat that Protein !!!
See a nutritionist.
Get on a Good vitamin regime.
And push that body for All it's Worth.
This is at our age.
IS Your Last Chance to be Whole again.
This is my third time.
And I Ain't about to Quit !!!
A lil secret.
3 Fish oil
2 Lecithin
1 Niazin
And 2 full Bayer aspirin if you can tolerate it.
You'll no longer need blood thinners.
This is from a Swiss double blind study with 20,000 patients.
90% it Cleaned their arteries of Plaque.
I'll ad 1 tablespoon Tumeric in that protein coffee.
Strongest non medicinal Anti inflammitory.
Inflammation is the Primary cause of arteriosclerosis !!!
Read study. The information is out there.
Good Luck.
They say my heart now after yrs of this is like a 20 yr old.
BP is 108/75. All the time.
I'm Praying I see some wonderful finds of yours.
And a Miraculous Recovery.
I'll see you where pain Never bothers us again.
If this Helps anyone
Please Share.
I'm not a Dr.
Though I've had many Dr friends over.many yrs.
And this is working for me !!!
I pray this is beneficial to others.
Long Day.
Now I need my Nap.