The project was on a small island off of an island that was off Vancouver Island. There was no way to get an excavating machine onto the island as the shore was rocky and steep so even a barge wouldn't work. I was standing at the site with my crew wondering how I was going to get that foundation excavated when a muscular guy came up to me and asked if I was looking for workers.
"What do you do?" I asked him.
"I just DIG!" he replied.
I hired him on the spot and he was back five minutes later with a BIG hand shovel, he started digging right away and he just kept on digging, nonstop for 10 hours. His name was 'Digger' and that's what he did for the next week, DIG!

Digger was poetry in motion when he had a shovel in his hand, perfect form, economy of motion and REALLY happy to be digging.

He took real pride in his work digging that big foundation.
A little over a week later the foundation was excavated mostly by Digger alone, I sent my crew off to another job after the first day because they couldn't compete with Digger. You strike me as that kind of guy too.
Digger was one of the happiest workers I've ever hired, loved to dig and when I offered him a job labouring on the site he said no thanks because it didn't involve digging. I did give him a nice bonus at the end of his work, never seen anything like this cat.