Hay LazyAu,
I make it a major part of my hobby.
I have been successfuf at finding very small gold jewelry.
I have found very tiny gold chains. Even, just pieces of tiny
gold chains without a clasp or loop.
It is my understanding that tha Minlab Sovern is one of tha
very best. They have a couple of others that are awsome,
like their beach detector. Very expensive and heavy.
Garrett's Scorpion Gold Stinger should work well, but tha
battery installation is supposed to be awful and it is heavy
for my liking.
Tha MXT and M-6 are really nice, but heavy. M-6 a little less
so, and less expensive.
There are more.
I use Tesoro'es. I have 5 of them. They are not as expensive.
They have a life time warranty and can work well for finding
tiny and larger gold jewelry.
Of the Tesoro'es, tha Lobo is probably tha most sensative to
small gold. It is a deticated gold machine that can be used for
other types of treasure hunting. But it's heavy for me...
The Tejon probably comes next. But it is hyper tuned. Has a
long learning curve and can be a bit hard to handle for a less
experienced detectorist. It is a tad heavy, but lighter than what
most people are used to.
Tha Tiger Shark is very sensative. It works great on fresh water
beaches and does coin and other types of hunting.
Tha Vaquero and Cibola are very senastive to tiny gold jewelry.
I have a Vaquero. It is light as a feather. Cost about $420 new.
I got mine for $320 used, but it is still guarenteed for life.
Tha Eldorado is just behind tha V and tha C in sensativity. It is
out of production but can be bought used for about $290. It works
real good in iron infested trash. I have a Euro Sabre, which is very
semilar to tha Eldorado. I used to have an Eldorado also.
In tha Tesoro line, the machine that has found tha most gold for
me is my $70 used Compadre. They cost $152 new. I like it so
much, I got a second one for a back-up.
The Compadre will not go as deep, but it works well in tot lots
where most of tha gold jewelry is, besides beaches. It doesn't
have tha depth for beaches, but it can be just tha ticket for heavy
I have a Silver also. It is a little less sensative than my others, but
it works great for cherry picking and jewelry finding. Not quite as
good on tha really small stuff.
That's my opinion.
Happy Huntin,