All i can say is WOW!! Thank you for all the responses, tips and suggestions, makes a MD noob feel VERY welcome... I am going to return to that school house and give it another go during sunny conditions even if I've blown it (Mike Hillis and D&P-OR) and have to strap on the M4 and get tactical
All kidding aside, it wouldn't bother me to see someone else there, this is California man we have to share EVERY bit of public land there is..... Plus it would be fun to detect with someone
I did get out for a couple hours in the rain today at some semi local parks and found the usual clad and a REALLY kewl ring, it looks like it may be Jewish, i am converting some photos now and will post in a few.... Again, THANKS to each and everyone who chimed in!!! This is a really kewl place and such an awesome hobby deserves it...
All i can say is WOW!! Thank you for all the responses, tips and suggestions, makes a MD noob feel VERY welcome... I am going to return to that school house and give it another go during sunny conditions even if I've blown it (Mike Hillis and D&P-OR) and have to strap on the M4 and get tactical

I did get out for a couple hours in the rain today at some semi local parks and found the usual clad and a REALLY kewl ring, it looks like it may be Jewish, i am converting some photos now and will post in a few.... Again, THANKS to each and everyone who chimed in!!! This is a really kewl place and such an awesome hobby deserves it...