be offended, and don't try to think of anything nice to say. the 1872 mining laws are clear, and in california claim jumping is a felony. there are proper claim markings required and none of them have anything to do with no tresspassing signs. if the property you are on is not yours, and you don't know who it belongs to, do you really think you should be there? what makes you think you can just stop along the road and just take something of someone elses? no, i probably wouldn't hold you until a police officer came. probably what would happen is big tom woul hit you on top of the head and break both of your ankles before i could stop him. you could be sure of one thing though. you would not leave with the detector. that is evidence that would be required when you are prosecuted.
as for knowing the law, all of you better wake up and smell the coffee. your democrat presidential candidates have a bill up for debate RIGHT NOW that would make your california river laws history. this bill would put all navagable waters under the jurisdiction of the corp of engineers, and would include any river, stream, creek, or WETLAND. anything bigger than a birdbath or baptismal. please read HR 2421 and S 1870 these are ammendments to the clean water act of 1972. what detector swingers don't understand is that miners are under attack from all sides already. is it so hard to ask? is it too hard to do some research to see whos property you are about to carry away. i have been swinging a detector since white introduced their first one knob coinmaster. that is longer than many who have posted here have been sucking air. i have NEVER so much as turned the on-off switch to the on position without knowing the area i am about to search is not going to infringe on another persons rights or property. that should have been the very first thing you learned about using a detector.
as for knowing the law, all of you better wake up and smell the coffee. your democrat presidential candidates have a bill up for debate RIGHT NOW that would make your california river laws history. this bill would put all navagable waters under the jurisdiction of the corp of engineers, and would include any river, stream, creek, or WETLAND. anything bigger than a birdbath or baptismal. please read HR 2421 and S 1870 these are ammendments to the clean water act of 1972. what detector swingers don't understand is that miners are under attack from all sides already. is it so hard to ask? is it too hard to do some research to see whos property you are about to carry away. i have been swinging a detector since white introduced their first one knob coinmaster. that is longer than many who have posted here have been sucking air. i have NEVER so much as turned the on-off switch to the on position without knowing the area i am about to search is not going to infringe on another persons rights or property. that should have been the very first thing you learned about using a detector.