to me that my aches, pains and problems are puny next to yours, so what do I do? Well, I seek my Lord and ask Him to forgive me for complaining and to have more faith in my being healed. I have the faith for healing, but not enough it seems!
Jesus, healed me from a bad burn I rec on my fingers and the palm of my hand because of my foolishness many years ago! Most everyone was telling me that I would have scars from being so burned, but my pastor back then , Sister Story, prayed for me before the funeral started for my sister-in-law's brother when she was in St. Louis to attend it, and I asked her before everyone to please lay her hands on my hand and pray for my healing! So, lo and behold, I was healed which took time to complete, but Praise the Lord no scars and no one would ever know my hand was ever burned! It was her faith that healed me though and hopefully some of mine, too, as I wasn't afraid to have prayer before all those attending the funeral! You see, in Jesus' joy, I had the strength to do it and He heard her prayer and answered in my favor!
God is gooooooood, as Mike always says, and He loves His children and, like when Jesus was on earth, He would say, "As you believe, you are healed!"
So be encouraged, Harold and Freda, for Jesus is with you and He knows your every need! Just lean on Him and whatever God's plan is for you, He will perform it for your good and His purpose that gives Him the glory through it all! :angel"
God Bless!