Hello everyone! Here is the newest classroom dedicated to the newest and hottest metal detector on the market.... the Minelab Explorer S/XS. I will serve as one of the moderators here; Jim Upstate NY will serve as another. Participation by all of you is highly encouraged! As Jim pointed out once, many of us use the Explorer in different situations with different settings so the more input from the different Explorer users we get, the better this classroom will serve us. I am anxious to learn a little bit from this classroom, myself, as I hope you visitors out there are too. We encourage you new Explorer owners as well as the experienced ones to share your ideas, bring up issues, and solicit information and advice about the Explorer models. No question is too stupid or complicated to ask here as long as we have the support of the classroom attendees to help out. Now let's hear from you guys and gals and let's get to know our new machine from "down under" better and enjoy successful detecting. Happy Hunting <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
"> Mike Moutray.