I hate shoveling roofs, or even flat surfaces close to the ground...thats about the stupidest and most dangerous thing a guy can do! Snow shoveling! Its all gonna melt someday, and thats wasted energy and effort that is best used for other purposes...
All a guy needs to really mess up a fellows life is one old dude in the neighborhood that climbs up on his roof, ties himself off to the chimney, and makes a big spectacle shoveling it off, "Hey look at me! I'm a good husband!"..
..all the other Wives think thats what YOU should be doing instead of drinking beer and watching TV..!
I have this one old neighbor that the Wife wants me to mimic all the time...of course he has no hobbies except yard work, I think he's a retired optomotrist, on account of he is always makes a big spectacle of himself working out in the yard, with all sorts of fanfare, very big Broadway production, takes him all day to get things done....
I hate that guy!
He has one of those fancy 'snowblowers' and even a 'leaf vaccuum' too..me? I gotta shovel and a rake..
Careful there young single fellas, Wimmen have nothing better to do than look out the window and plan your life and judge you accordingly!....