Has anyone made up a single frequency program (away from stock) that is more like the traditional White's concepts for speed and recovery? (That is why those folks have edged out the others... IMHO.) This V is so easily capable of making it into whatever kind of machine type you could want....and still have the incredible interface.
I just haven't made time to seriously do this and that is ridiculous. These programs would be used heavily I think. Don't get me wrong, three frequency is so important but there are many situations that it is just not needed and all you want is punch and SPEED! The V would rule single frequency real estate! (I'm sure we've all thought about this some...very little implementation though.)
I just haven't made time to seriously do this and that is ridiculous. These programs would be used heavily I think. Don't get me wrong, three frequency is so important but there are many situations that it is just not needed and all you want is punch and SPEED! The V would rule single frequency real estate! (I'm sure we've all thought about this some...very little implementation though.)