... here in the store and in the car I carry a pocket pistol ..... the Ruger LCP 38 semi auto with Crimson Trace laser sight. Weighs just a tad over 9 OZ and cannot be detected when carried in my pocket. It has less profile than a typical man's wallet. Six shot magazine + 1 in the chamber. It's an up close and personal weapon.
Point the red dot and empty the magazine regardless of standing, being knocked to the floor, sitting down, or trying to run away from pending trouble!
In lieu of a safety, it has a long and hard trigger pull. This one will not fire by accident, you have to pull the trigger. I read where it is now the #1 selling concealed carry pistol because of it's size, weight, and punch.
Point the red dot and empty the magazine regardless of standing, being knocked to the floor, sitting down, or trying to run away from pending trouble!
In lieu of a safety, it has a long and hard trigger pull. This one will not fire by accident, you have to pull the trigger. I read where it is now the #1 selling concealed carry pistol because of it's size, weight, and punch.