Well, like I said "I know I will get differing opinions". I will concede that small gold would be an exception as far as depth goes. I can see the Best Data doing a better job with a smaller low conductive target. My findings are based on a lot of testing over targets both in the field and coin garden. The limitations in Best Data mode That I run into have to do with Wrap. In general as a coin target gets deeper, and you deal with mineralization as a barrier you will see the VDI elevate until wrap occurs. The first frequency to wrap is the 22.5kHz, followed by 7.5kHz, and then 2.5kHz. Another scenario that can lead to Wrap is when you have to lower your RX and DS to deal with EMI. I have had a Wheat penny buried at 8 inches in a high EMI coin garden for about 3 years now. Best Data will not see it do to the fact that both 7.5kHz and 22.5kHz are wrapping. Correlate Modes pick up the coin without issue. It is the Wrap setting that makes this happen, not the Span allowance. I open up my span to allow for a broader range of response from targets in close proximity (coin, nail, aluminum, etc.) all in the same hole. These results, combined with feedback from Bob Canaday (rcsnake) at whites give me a higher confidence in the Correlate Mode in general. Here is an interesting quote from Bob...
"On the subject of correlate vs. best data the depth should be the same.
However, today it seemed that the correlate sounded better on targets as opposed to the best data unless the VDI was jumping by more than 50. The best data audio seemed to follow the changes in target information better than the correlate audio. This was experienced when comparing targets before they were dug. Should be noted that i use standard tone ID and mix mode stereo.
Giving this some thought it would be what I would expect from the V3. However the targets were would have been dug in either mode and most of them were 6 to 8 inches down. As both correlate mode and best data look at the VDI /phase of the target and then processes the audio information according to the setting of the machine such as disc, recovery delay, tones and the list goes on.
On the subject of recovery delay it does pretty much what you are seeing except as the signal received from the target decays on its slope if a stronger signal is received before the end of the original target signal the the stronger signal will take over and sound off. At least this is the way it should work...
I am primarily a coinshooter, so for me the Correlate mode in my moderate soil is easily deeper than Best Data. I can only assume that as soil conditions improve that Wrap is not such an issue, which would allow the Best Data mode to get better depth than it does for me. The ability of the V3/V3i to deal with such a wide variety of hunting conditions is truly a thing of beauty.