I follow your logic…….
In the area we refer to as the EMI Hell Zone is a patch of ground that has different intensities of interference. Sometimes one gets the crackling Morris Code type sounds in a small patch or it can reach out and cover quite an area. I’ve had my handheld start vibrating at knee height above ground and then go away an hour later. If running quiet and try to use pinpointing mode you sometimes get a los level wavering (like a slow police siren) and pinpoint will not work. The only tool I have right now is 4khz and it works extremely well a good portion of the time.
I’ve not tried M3 as of yet but feel it will simply fail that type of test. The ground is watered every other day and stays damp most of the time. Manual GB indicates 26 and it prefers 11 or 8 for channel selections.
I feel strongly there is still hidden silver in the area and probably some gold jewelry as well but I can not hear it if the chatter is a crazy as its been. We do get lots of 60 blips and 11 bumps but nothing good has come from pursuing those “isolated” singular hits so far. I will try M3 but now the school has started there is basically no easy access until after 5 pm or weekends.