Well-known member
Found some interesting things while on vacation. 17 wheats from 1912-1958; Dateless buffalo nickel, 1942S silver nickel; 1941 & 1949 nickels; 1911S barber dime; 1942 mercury dime; 10c aluminum Colgates Ribbon Dental Cream token; Grover Cleveland Cracker Jacks Mistery Club token; Caterpillar Tractor Co. fob; kids copper ring; pocket watch parts; Thimble marked 'London'; Johnson's Sprite fishing lure; Buck Brand button; Chicago Lock Co. key; brass heart-shaped locket; gold locket; patented 1904 buckle; 3 other brass buckles; 12ga Winchester Repeater shell; 20ga Peters H.V. shell; lighter; 2 1" brass rings; 2 Tootsietoy street signs. Had lots of fun digging this wide variety of goodies.