That was a very good vid Bradley...
You have found the same thing I have found and have confirmed over and over again...
Disc sensitivity is way more important for depth then RX gain
Filter at 5 opens alot more depth potential too atleast here with me.
I have a rather strange story... involving RX gain...
One day when I was having trouble with EMI I was at 7-8 on the RX and had 85 dc and 60 ac.
What was a very good solution was to drop the RX to 2... and turn on Boost..
Boost worked in that EMI with low gain but not high gain alone...and I dont think I had any depth loss either.
I think that has to do with the TX boost is in the transmit channel and not in the recieving channel.
Might be the site where I was but I would like several trying confirm it.
You have found the same thing I have found and have confirmed over and over again...
Disc sensitivity is way more important for depth then RX gain
Filter at 5 opens alot more depth potential too atleast here with me.
I have a rather strange story... involving RX gain...
One day when I was having trouble with EMI I was at 7-8 on the RX and had 85 dc and 60 ac.
What was a very good solution was to drop the RX to 2... and turn on Boost..
Boost worked in that EMI with low gain but not high gain alone...and I dont think I had any depth loss either.
I think that has to do with the TX boost is in the transmit channel and not in the recieving channel.
Might be the site where I was but I would like several trying confirm it.