Well I called mine lab and finally got a technician I started to explain what I was doing mind you he runs a ctx also . I might have been better off going to Wal-Mart and asking the checker behind the counter the guy did not have a clue what I was talking about
So I started playing with the setting again I had high trash set up to just knock out nails so I read about some old settings about the e-trac . So I put my detector in conductive and low and behold the dime started giving audio . not when directly under the nail but anywhere near except east west above or below .
Now I was under the assumption that combine would give audio when the dime was not under the nail like nail dime nail hit . Which would be low tone high tone low tone but it only gave a low tone for all the hits what happened to the high tone is there a glitch in combine or what .
So I had 2 different patterns set up both high trash does not matter what separation you use . I have the nails disc out 31 line to the 35 line any higher say 30 and up you would loose the audio because if you disc out say 29 and the coin with the nail comes in at 29.45 you will not hear it the cursor is just above the iron bin in the right hand corner . Now a thing about that cursor to watch is it dipping down in the 31 to 35 or is it staying above say it's going 29 to 20 good sign and the co #s have got to be stable say a dime would be 43 to 45 , 45 to 47 or 46 to 48 with a occasional 12.45 mixed in .
My bins are set up as bin 1 1 to 10 80hz bin 2 11 to 15 1000hz bin 3 16 to 28 80hz bin 4 29 to 50 1000hz this is my coin pattern you have to remember once that iron gets above the 31 line it will take whatever hz you assign to it Lot's of looking at the screen and more falses but easy to check by cross sweeping .
I wish that the combine mode worked like it was suppose to but when the nail is close to the coin it gives only a low tone except when cross sweep .
A nickel is a little strange as it well come in at 12.40 to 12.41 on a east west hit that's the coin at the point of the nail not under and when sweep north south well be 14.14 or there abouts but great audio either way.
So watch video and see what you think . sube
Well I called mine lab and finally got a technician I started to explain what I was doing mind you he runs a ctx also . I might have been better off going to Wal-Mart and asking the checker behind the counter the guy did not have a clue what I was talking about
So I started playing with the setting again I had high trash set up to just knock out nails so I read about some old settings about the e-trac . So I put my detector in conductive and low and behold the dime started giving audio . not when directly under the nail but anywhere near except east west above or below .
Now I was under the assumption that combine would give audio when the dime was not under the nail like nail dime nail hit . Which would be low tone high tone low tone but it only gave a low tone for all the hits what happened to the high tone is there a glitch in combine or what .
So I had 2 different patterns set up both high trash does not matter what separation you use . I have the nails disc out 31 line to the 35 line any higher say 30 and up you would loose the audio because if you disc out say 29 and the coin with the nail comes in at 29.45 you will not hear it the cursor is just above the iron bin in the right hand corner . Now a thing about that cursor to watch is it dipping down in the 31 to 35 or is it staying above say it's going 29 to 20 good sign and the co #s have got to be stable say a dime would be 43 to 45 , 45 to 47 or 46 to 48 with a occasional 12.45 mixed in .
My bins are set up as bin 1 1 to 10 80hz bin 2 11 to 15 1000hz bin 3 16 to 28 80hz bin 4 29 to 50 1000hz this is my coin pattern you have to remember once that iron gets above the 31 line it will take whatever hz you assign to it Lot's of looking at the screen and more falses but easy to check by cross sweeping .
I wish that the combine mode worked like it was suppose to but when the nail is close to the coin it gives only a low tone except when cross sweep .
A nickel is a little strange as it well come in at 12.40 to 12.41 on a east west hit that's the coin at the point of the nail not under and when sweep north south well be 14.14 or there abouts but great audio either way.
So watch video and see what you think . sube