For the people? All these new rules and regulations them #$%*)!#&'s enact are for the squeaking vocal minority OR if more revenue can be had with the media promoting it all. The modern liberal media, the great enabler of all this BS.
Look at California and other States. A lot of referendums that 'the people' voted on were over turned by elitists. So much 'for the people'.
Look at all these red light and speed cameras that keep popping up. Are they for the people OR for more revenue? Did the 'people' ever have a say with them things?
Depending on who's statistics you believe, those red light cameras cause more accidents than they prevent. What ever happened to the Constitutional provision of facing your accuser in court?
These politicians in order to justify their phony baloney jobs feel the need to pass more legislation and more BS regulations not to mention diverting public attention away from all those serious Chicago problems. And i'm sure most of these elitists now our modern day ruling class feel like royalty controlling the peasants.
All i can say is i'm glad i don't live in IllNoise;
a State with one of the highest debts in the country,
where most of their Governors go to prison along with other corrupt Chicago and Cook County politicians,
the last State to allow conceal carry,
$@#&^$'n toll roads galore,
Chicago having one of the highest murder rates in the country, etc. etc.
As with Detroit, this is what happens when liberals run rampant.
With all these problems, Cook County is now worried about metal detecting?