I have been really concentrating on the fields this year, want to get as many hunted as I can before they plant....one owner gave me permission for all their fields, so I have been real busy hunting everynight after work till dark. And that is why I haven't had time to post much. Anyhow you saw my post about my field with a million targets, this post is from another field, same owner...this one is a beanfield I have been working. It gave up some goodies too. Some buttons, A Lock marked 1884, 4 indians 1881, 1884, 1887 and 1903...1899 V nickel, got a semi key 1911D wheat, real nice shape, some other early wheats. What I think is a lighter case, possibly? Lead toy gun..1942 Indiana chauffeur badge.....
AND OF COURSE I CANNOT FORGET ABOUT MY TWO 1916D'S.....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you were thinking....what??? He dug two more 16D's!?

AND OF COURSE I CANNOT FORGET ABOUT MY TWO 1916D'S.....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you were thinking....what??? He dug two more 16D's!?