Do you really like the Simplex? really? I don't .. wonky hi -low sounds , Id not stable, The coil is way to big... no separation , the shaft wobbles like Gumby , but I bought one and now I can call it what it is. However I am willing to try one of the smaller coils just to see if all of the bad traits are because of the 11" coil, right now from using both, my Quest x-10 is a better machine... depth and stability, neither machine come anywhere near the performance of any of my Golden Mask machines. 4wd ,1+dual tone, One 15 khz .If the Simplex was my first machine I would most likely be knitting as a hobby. Thought I would throw this in also, every Tesoro "U-MAX" ever made is a better machine than a Simplex (Finding coins relics),unless u dunk one in water.. lol.. Good Luck