on it up in New Hampshire at the Gunstock Ski Slopes. Had a ball doing it, but never found enough interest down in Connecticut. By the time I did find a group I had moved on to something new that caught my fancy.
There was a company here, Zpher I think, that was building hang gliders but they finally closed the doors. I see a few of the motor power parasails around here from time to time and the larger hang glider like units with motors. Not far from me they fly them in the summer on real calm days. If I was younger I'd be doing it. Fact, I had 11 hours in on my private flying ticket when the first heart attack showed up. That ended me being able to pass the medical for flying. Like a dam ground squirrel here now. But as long as your moving, keep doing it...
You have done some interesting stuff. I highly recommend it. I'd rather say I wish I had given this more thought, than I wish I had done this, that and the other and never did.