The only time I was ever accosted by school personnel was a maintenance man who was showing off for a couple of his buddies I suppose. He made a point to ask in a jeering manner , If I knew this was school property?" Without even much looking up to acknowledge him I responded, "Of course I do, I'm paying for it"! He mumbled and stumbled around a little having been made to look foolish and went on off. He must have checked with someone because he came back later alone and asked me if I might help him find some sprinkler heads or some covered up water shut off lids. I told him of course I would help and give him my phone number. Since then I have seen him several times and he always stops to visit. Another time I got the feeling I was being watched as I was wearing headphones and was intent on working an area where tickets were purchased for ball games. I looked around and saw a fat guy "jigger" who had stopped and watched me for I don't know how long. He finally asked if I was ashamed at taking those kids lunch money, again in a smirking manner. I responded,"Yeah, I feel a little guilty about that, but I'd feel real good to find your wife's thousand dollar wedding ring!" Away he went in a huff but never bothered me again. I can't abide disrespectful attitudes or condescending smart asses, so I can't just remain quiet. It just isn't in my nature. I was a cop for 30 years and pretty well know how to handle it if someone called the police on me. I would tell him basically that if it really bothered someone that much I would leave, provided he went and told them it was perfectly legal for me to be there and that I was leaving. Also that I might be back at a later date and not to call in because they couldn't respond. Nine times out of ten the only reason they approach you is to see who you are and what you are doing if it's not your neighborhood. Anyway, just my personal experience. Jim