I too have read this thread over and over and thought a little more about this... ALL and I say all successful pursuit oriented types protect their secret spots through most any means necessary. For us it could be employing some of the strategies mentioned above, for a commercial fisherman or gold panner, or hunter or trapper, its the same..they would never telegraph a hot spot to the competition, and would do all they could to discourage them or throw them off the trail and protect it at all costs from slackers that could not or did not find it on their own. Its got nothing to do with the in depth morality of a person brought up here. We are all in a competition against time and nature to find what we can, and though I have not read Drayton's works, I suspect thats what Gary was trying to get across, on a packed beach, heres a few tricks that might make you not get over run by ill mannered detectorists that did not get up early enough to find the place on their own, and are basically claimjumpers...so aside from saying "hey buddy, piss off" to an encroaching rude detectorists, and maybe winding up in a fight or a debate about public places, I see nothing deceitful about the trick he mentioned, slinging out a handful of nickels in the path of an approaching stranger with a coil does not constitute a moral failure, it just might buy you enough time to clear out the spot you found, and if the guy has any sense of propriety, he will not move in on you and you can go and get your nickels back. Just do the best you can with what time you have here, sleep well and get up early, don't worry about assessing the morals of others too hard because that knife cuts both ways, or assigning moral failures to what have always been the tricks hunters use to protect their zone..