I like the DeLeon for a number of reasons. The display is larger than the Cortes, the tid is as accurate as any other I've played with, the light weight makes it pleasant to swing, the depth is surprising and the battery life is generous. The most common negatives I've seen are the facts that it is a factory preset ground balance.and doesn't offer quite as much into as the Cortes, ie copper pennies, silver, + clad coins all register a solid "95" so you may be retrieving a penny, dime, quarter or hopefully a half or dollar for that indication. However, it displays nickels and zinc pennies separately and well. Also, I generally have no problem in the parks, sport fields, etc. that I usually hunt as the soil is mild enough that the ground balance is no problem, but if I need to, I can always grab the Eldorado. I've done pretty well with the DeLeon mainly because it's so much fun to swing so I use it alot. For those that have one, I'll pass on two tips. One - you may find you do better with the sensitivity set in the 7-8 range and if you get repeatable bouncing indications that favor different coin values that don't settle down to one value, be sure to dig. More often than you would expect it will turn out that the coil was swinging over a coin spill.