Just a few of my Compadre finds since I got it last August.
These and other finds have paid for my Compadre more than 4 times over in just 7 months of use.
The class ring any detector could have found, the chains and that other gold ring which was small was missed by me several times using other detectors in regular soil.
I have an F2 and the 4" sniper coil and it is good...the Compadre is better.
It is more sensitive than most, and finds these hard to find targets easily, and it is a coinshooter supreme, also.
Mine is the older 7" coil and the sense is turned up internally so I can't get within 12 inches of big metal in tot lots, but that doesn't matter.
If there is a target close or even next to big metal, there is always a telltale double beep.
I have easily found targets in these locations that others have left behind.
I have said this before...for tot lot use, there is absolutely nothing on the market that can match the Compadre, and this one should be in everyone's arsenal for this and other reasons.