Thanks again guys! Yeah....the old Sabre II really is a coin shootin SOB and has treated me with LOTS of silver over the earlier years. One thing I've really noticed since I've "tried" to rekindle the detecting is that things have really changed as far as hunting goes. Took a trip over to Idaho to snoop around the mining areas up in the Silver Valley area of N. Idaho. Depressing at best....everything was boarded up and/or posted, not much public areas to be had. Went into Wallace and figured I could maybe do some alleys...they were all paved now! My plan B was that if I couldn't find anyplace to work I could always return to the old school in Osburne and was torn down and now private property! Found some fresh lawn/dirt in county yard that I'd guessed was possibly from a local yard and part of the "cleanup" moneys comming from the SuperFund site thing they had over there. The pile was small and I worked it over real fast and found one new penny. When I got back to my PU I'd noticed a red vehicle pulled into the are near the pile I worked....a guy in white uniform gets out and heads my way. It was a damn fire marshall comming to run me off the "toxic" yard dirt...I wasn't there for 10-12min......!!!!! Things have really changed while I've been idle (18yrs maybe??)....and not for the better.
sorry for the rant. I'm working on another angle that may pay off and once again, after all the comments, I will be using the GSII with the stock 8" doughnut coil. The machine really has served me well...... I haven't been out for a week of so...somewhat frustrated. I'll post as soon as I get back out and find anything shiny......

sorry for the rant. I'm working on another angle that may pay off and once again, after all the comments, I will be using the GSII with the stock 8" doughnut coil. The machine really has served me well...... I haven't been out for a week of so...somewhat frustrated. I'll post as soon as I get back out and find anything shiny......