Yep fwcrawford is right on. Swing slow and truly listen to what the equinox is trying to explain to you. Ever since I slowed my recovery speed down and scan slow, my finds have skyrocketed. If you want to get started right away with making finds. Here are my current and primary settings.
Ground Balance - 0
Volume - MAX - and adjust the output on the headphones. (if you can't do this, you will obviously have to adjust on the machine)
50 tones
Iron Bias F2 - 0 (however being new, you can turn it up to F2-4 or 5)
Recovery speed - 4
Park1 -multi-frequency.
scan slowly
listen to it all in "all-metal" and go slow
most importantly, listen to the tones. They convey a ton of info and over time you will be in tune. Targets are going to overlap in TID however, those tones will alert you to the differences. There will be different "reactions".... Just spend the time, go slow, analyze, let these tones burn into your memory and dig.
If you start going at it like a SilverBack Gorilla that just consumed an energy drink, you are gonna get discouraged.
As you gain experience then start fiddling slowly with settings. Such as trying the different modes multi and single frequency, Iron bias, recovery etc. Pick an unknown target that you would most likely dig with the above settings, then start manipulating. See how the detector reacts. This is where the real eye opener will happen and "things" will start clicking together for you.
Best of luck!