I was 11 years old and riding in the back of a 1941 Chevy pickup with two cousins, we were sitting in the front of the bed leaning back on the front of it and they dared me to jump out. We were going about 35 mph on a gravel road, I had no doubt I could do it with no problems so I stood up, took two steps and jumped over the tail gate. The first thing that hit the road was the back of my head, cut a long deep gash and made a pumpknot big as a softball. I jumped right up and the only thing I could think of was my mother was gonna beat me half to death for getting blood on my clothes. We were going to another one of my sisters house and was only a quarter mile or so away so I ran as fast as I could to get there and my mother never knew I had jumped out. My cousins pumped water on my head until the bleeding stopped and one of them got a towel off the clothesline to help by wiping it. Told mother I fell out of a tree, which drew a scolding but not the terminal beating I would have got if she knew I jumped out of the pickup. Luckily I hit in loose gravel, if I had hit in one of the places where the gravel was thin it likely have killed me instead of just causing brain damage