Larry, I guess the problem I may run into, is this. What if my dealer is not educated in the V3? Then what if I tell him that I feel he should lower the price as a result of not being able to demonstrate it properly to me? Then what if he says he will NOT lower the price? I'm stuck then!!! I can't go else where. I will be forced to pay full price or not get a machine???? That's not right. White's should make some arrangement that I can get my machine anywhere in my state or draw a circle around my area (say 50 mile radius) so I can get the training I am paying for. I will get a V3, but I don't think I will pay someone who has no idea of how it operates. It's not fair to the other dealers that took the time to get to know this machine, while some dealers just get maximum profit for no work. I think this will become an issue for White's sooner or later. It will delay me getting one. I probably will get a slightly used one from someone who thought they wanted a machine with this technology, but later decided it was too much for them. Thank God for the transferable warrantee. Anybody from White's care to tell us if there is something in place for that type of situation??? Thanks, cause this one is really bugging me. You can see from some of the other responses that there are a number of less educated dealers out there. Not saying they ain't good people, just less passionate then some of us are.