I just recently acquired a Cortes and I'm loving it. The discrimination and depth is amazing. It doesn't hardly make a sound until it goes over a target and then it locks on like a pit bulldog. The audio is pleasing to the ears and the recovery speed is blazing fast. It's one of the best I've ever used for searching sports fields. The audio is crisp and exciting. It makes you want to dig. The VDI is as good as it gets. I have no problem telling pull tabs from nickels. It hits both super hard. I loaded up with nickels today. If I put the coil over a gold ring, it's mine.
The 'sum' switch really works and is easy to use.
I was running the Cortes with the sensitivity a little past '10' and the discrimination at its minimum. I was not using the notch feature, because when I'm detecting a fairly clean soccer field, I dig most targets. The tiny sterling silver pendant was 5 to 6 inches deep and give a zinc penny reading. The audio screamed, DIG ME!
Any pointers on using the Cortes would be deeply appreciated.
I was running the Cortes with the sensitivity a little past '10' and the discrimination at its minimum. I was not using the notch feature, because when I'm detecting a fairly clean soccer field, I dig most targets. The tiny sterling silver pendant was 5 to 6 inches deep and give a zinc penny reading. The audio screamed, DIG ME!
Any pointers on using the Cortes would be deeply appreciated.